Strategic Planning at INTEC

INTEC defines its strategic goals by primarily considering the long-term interests of the company with a rational and cautious risk management approach. In this process, the Executive Board also determines the human and financial resources needed and audits the management’s approach in these areas. In performance evaluation processes, in addition to financial and operational indicators, the level of implementation of company strategies is also evaluated. This evaluation constitutes input to performance and rewards. The strategic planning activities carried out constitute the basic input of the work carried out by the Executive Board.

Strategic Planing at INTEC

INTEC’s business style, which adheres to business ethics values, is accountable, transparent, and fair, supports universal human rights principles that aim for full compliance with laws and regulations, and adopts corporate citizenship as a basic understanding, has become a role model for many organizations.

The understanding of business ethics adopted throughout INTEC will be put in writing within the scope of the INTEC Business Training Rules Booklet, Code of Ethics Document, and Code of Conduct Document and will be published on our website. All documents we publish are also valid for suppliers and the companies we work with as solution partners. Within the scope of the Supply Chain Management Plan, the main goal is to provide appropriate guidance to all supplier companies on environmental, social, and governance issues in accordance with international standards.

It is very important that the Code of Ethical Conduct is explained and adopted by all employees through our Sustainability Committee members and sub-working groups.

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Our company has no communication with the public authorities of the countries in which it operates other than the relevant laws, commercial relations established within the framework of transparency, responses to requests for information and opinions, or social responsibility projects.

It is our fundamental obligation to fulfill our responsibility to produce the greatest amount of value for our partners by complying with the legal obligations to which we are subject. In this context, we comply with the legal regulations of all countries and the standards brought by international trade. In order to ensure compliance with this responsibility brought about by ethical rules, we have prepared the INTEC Environment and Sustainability Standard and created an effective, constantly functioning control mechanism. In accordance with our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, during the process stages, we attach importance to the principles of clarifying the issue as soon as possible, protecting the confidentiality element, carrying out the necessary legal process, and informing the public authority and partners.